When you’re trying to sell your home, you want to make it look incredible without spending a small fortune. This may seem like an impossible task, but it’s really quite easy if you know what to look for. Here’s how you can make your home look luxurious to buyers without taking out a second mortgage:
Remember the Exterior
First impressions are everything, and that starts with the exterior of your home. The rich wood flooring and incredible molding in the living room won’t make a difference if potential customers drive by your home and decide to keep going based on the landscaping. Keep the yard neat and trimmed. Consider investing in a lawn care company to handle the weeds, and it might be worth your while to make the entire structure look more welcoming with some colorful flowers.
Pre-Pack to Enlarge Rooms
People want space, and a home that’s clean and free of clutter will give the illusion of a larger room. Buyers don’t want to look past your stuff to decide if they like the home. They want to start picturing their stuff on the walls and their favorite furniture in the living room. This is easier to do if you take away personal photos and personal property as much as you can.
Check Dated Items
Go through your home and take pictures of the different rooms. Things that you don’t notice with the bare eye will stand out like a sore thumb in pictures. This is where you really notice the light fixture from 1958 and the dated wallpaper that’s uglier than you realized. It may cost a little, but you’ll fetch a higher selling price if you get rid of the dated looks and introduce a more modern feel.
Keep it Neutral
A fresh coat of paint makes everything look clean and fresh, but be sure to go with neutral colors. This doesn’t have to mean contractor white, but the colors should be airy, clean, and light enough to easily cover with a new coat of paint. Beiges and pale pastels are great choices for enlarging rooms and making them look great.
Bring in the Comfort
With the personal items out and the walls a lovely color, it’s time to make the home look like it’s ready to move into. Use plump coordinating throw pillows on the couches. Set the dining table with place settings and fresh flowers. Leave a bowl of colorful fresh fruit on the kitchen counters. Little touches like these are inexpensive but make your home look more like a magazine cover.
Creating a Luxury Home around New Albany, OH
These basic tips are great starting points for making your home more attractive to buyers. They all give the property a more luxurious look, but they won’t necessarily set you back too much. If you’re moving into your new home while the current one is on the market, be sure to leave some furniture behind for www. An empty home feels too cold and it’s hard for people to get a feel for size without some furniture in place. When the home is staged, it will appeal to a wider range of buyers to help you fetch a higher selling price.
Learn more about selling your home by reading our free home seller’s ebook: