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Jack Hanna’s Fall Fest at the Columbus Zoo

The Jack Hanna’s Fall Festival at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium takes place Saturday, September 21 to Sunday, September 22, 2013. This popular Columbus, Ohio event features animal acts, animal education, special attractions, musical events, and lots to eat and drink. Jungle Jack will also celebrate his 35th Anniversary as the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium director.

We learned about Jack Hanna from his appearances on TV programs, where he featured many varied species and educated the audience on their habits and habitats. Jungle Jack will be featured on stage at the Fall Fest, displaying many of the animals that he and his staff care for and he will talk about his many traveling adventures.

Jack Hanna
by Grand Canyon National Park

Jack Hanna’s Fall Fest Details:

  • Location: Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, 4850 West Powell Road, Powell, OH 43065
  • Phone: 1-800-MONKEYS
  • Date: Sept. 21-22, 2013
  • Website: Click Here

The Pioneer Village:

Additional attractions will include the Pioneer Village, which contains many arts and crafts areas, which feature the history of Columbia. The arts and crafts involve making scented candles, glass blowing, quilting demos, sculpturing, woodworking, pottery, hand forged iron works, wood chippers, and jewelry bead working. Visitors will be invited to visit the Historic Village at 600 North Whitewoman Street, in Coshocton. Horse drawn carriage tours and costumed volunteers show the daily life of Ohio residents in the early 1800’s.

Zoo Activities For Children:

Young children will love watching different animals bobbing for apples at the Fall Festival and when parents purchase a special wrist band, families can ride the Zoo Train throughout the Columbia Zoo all day. For the Fall and Halloween, Jungle Jack will also feature pumpkin carving experts during the days of the Fall Festival, with a carving theme for each day. The family will also enjoy the equivalent to a petting zoo area within the Columbus Zoo, where children can pet and feed many domestic farm animals (as well as rescued dogs and cats).

Columbus Zoo
by J. Todd Poling

Fall Festival Characters:

At certain times during the day, a musical stage performance will be given by the Blue Grass Band in the Shores Park area. If you’re thirsty and hungry with all the excitement that the Zoo is offering, there are varied food courts with delicious snacks and full menu dishes. Now that you’ve eaten and rested, how about another Fall Festival exhibit. If the Zoo walking trails suddenly fill up with strange creatures that are dancing all around you, and you hear bells and whistles, you have just been visited by the musical characters of the “Character Ambassador Express.” Polly Polar Bear, Manny Manatee, Fernando G. Frog and in 2013, Garfield the Cat, will be visiting the Zoo Train and moving around the Zoo. These characters are the 2013 Ambassadors for the Fall Festival and there will be a meet and greet, featuring that lovable cat, Garfield, during certain times of the festival.

Save Animals and Enjoy The Benefits:

In addition to the exciting two day Fall Festival, the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium is an amazing wild kingdom environment for everyone. If anyone plays golf, plan on playing a few holes at the Safari Golf Club. Help to save world wildlife with a membership in the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. Jungle Jim could use the support, plus you will receive special discounts at the Columbus Zoo store and receive newsletters regarding special attractions and events.

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