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What is Your Next Selling Step?

Columbus is a city that has seen its population grow approximately 15% since 2000. The median residential home value has also risen quickly in the past few years. With the population and median income in Columbus on the rise, home buyers are looking for greater value and want to buy a property that will appreciate in value. If your home is not priced well, ready to sell or posing issues then you may need to reevaluate your strategy since the market is on fire for sellers right now. 

The Raines Group | Columbus OH

Your Listing May Be Stale

A stale listing is one that has had less and less activity since the house was put on the market. Since you decided to sell your home, you have made improvements and have done things to make your home more desirable. You need to update your stale listing with new pictures and new information about why people should consider buying your home. A dynamic, new listing will get much more attention.

Columbus OH Real Estate

You Are Not Listening To Buyers

When potential buyers do come through your home, are they making comments you are ignoring? Perhaps the 70s shag carpet in the living room is not as appealing as it was a few decades ago. It could be that you need to replace your windows or repair the roof. If you are getting the same consistent complaints from potential buyers, then you need to put your listing on hold or take it off the market in order to fix those outstanding issues. When you re-list, you can point out the improvements and get closer to the price you want.

Your Price Is Too High

The best way to price your house is to visit open houses that are similar to yours in neighborhoods that are also similar and then price your house accordingly along with the value in your CMA. You also need to keep in mind that not every neighborhood allows the same pricing for similar houses. If you see a house that is similar to yours in a neighborhood that is closer than yours to schools and a hospital, then you will not be able to get that same price. Be smart when you price your home and you will be able to sell it for a profit.

Are You Working with the Right Agent?

How familiar with your slice of Columbus is your real estate agent? Does your agent understand the differences in each neighborhood that affect price? Is your agent doing everything possible to market your home? If your listing is stale, then that could indicate that your agent is not doing their job properly. They should have proven sales records in your area and an established knowledge of the market.

One of the most powerful tools for selling a home is a good real estate agent website. Check out the website of your agent and see how easy it is to find your home. Your agent’s website should make your home look and sound interesting, and the website should be interactive as well in offering clients a way to get more information about your home.

What Is Next?

A good agent can guide you towards the next steps in selling your home. If you can tell that your price is too high, then you need to lower it. If there are renovations that need to be done, then get them done. Go through the steps we just mentioned and determine what you need to do to get your home sold and then take those steps right away. For more information on navigating the selling process, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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